Well there is a new app out there for eqnext
When you get this app and install on your smarthphone or tablet u can play a bit of game.
With this game you can earn some station cash ( 500 sc ) , xp potion and some exnext music(crappy).
App is called everquest worlds.
I havent done them all yet, only got the 2x 250 sc , xp potion and the music done.Dont know what the rest does.
Only done the Quest journal wich has like 4 Quest in them.
Future echoes--> 250 sc
ties that bind -->music
a new beginning -->250 sc for this you just need to make a crappy alt facebook account ...instagram and twitter crap. stil 250 sc easy
marchin onward -->xp potion
When u win one of this quest u get a code wich u redeem on the soe site or ingame at the Big SC button.
For the quest u need to scan some images from your pc screen or so ....well here are the images for the slackers necro style:
http://imgur.com/a/mMJ06 for future echoes
http://imgur.com/a/XC6HU for ties that bind
Well the scanning can take some time and sometimes be tricky.Just keep on trying.
And this is the place where i found the info
http://www.eqnexus.com/forums/threads/e ... lable.446/
App for EQnext
Moderator: AOU Senator