Hello everyone!
About 3 weeks ago one late evening I was getting bored somehow. It was to early to sleep yet and I sat at my computer clicking stuff. Suddenly a crazy idea came to my mind and I tried to log in to Everquest, the first time after 4 years. I was not expecting it to work at all, I wasn't even sure about my password. I just was curious...Well you can imagine the rest of the story. Now 3 weeks have passed and its time for a statement for those who know me and also for those who don't know me.
Travnik is an old rogue created on Kayne Bayle in August 2002. I had played him almost exclusively for about 7 years whenever I could. I dont remember when exactly I joined Pikeys but I guess it was about 3 years that I had the honor to raid with you. Then, about 4 years ago a sudden change in work brought it all down and I went on a break from which I didnt came back until now.
I was instantly welcomed back not only by old friends but also by members I didnt know at all, all offering help and support. I was intrigued. Nothing had changed, nothing at all in 4 years. The guild was running smoothly like a clockwork, Purr and Adro being in charge as always. Luckily I still had my guildtag on and when I asked, I was granted S(ocial) M(ember) status.
Now I have been playing almost 4 weeks and I am having a lot of fun. When I left, I had nothing left to do in the game anymore but raiding, the toon was pretty much maxxed out. Now the world of EQ is full of interesting business, I have to take care of. So I guess I will be around for a while and see where this leads to. I can neither promise nor rule out anything by now, a lot will depend on my personal circumstances in the near future, the most important ones being my current job and my family.
So for now let me thank you all for the fantastic welcome you gave me and the great support I already have received. Let's meet in game!
Cheers, Travnik
Hello Lads & Ladies!
Moderator: AOU Senator
Re: Hello Lads & Ladies!
It's always good to have someone return, welcome back! 

"A stranger is a friend you just haven't met yet."