Figured i'd introduce myself a wee bit...
Well ingame i can be found lurking either in my fluffy skin as Karram, my blue skin as my boxed chanter Beag or my purple slimey skinned rogue Synn.
All are 90 and all have a magelo which should be somewhat up to date. Karram and Synn are on the same account.
RL well i'm 32 will be 33 this coming October. Recently split up with my husband hence my leaving Nordly's Crusaders. He was there first so i figured a change of pace and scene was called for that and Augok threatened to sit on me if i didn't app.
Have played EQ since launch mainly as either a shaman or a rogue since then with a brief interlude here and there as other classes.
I am one of those elusive creatures known as a girl gamer. (yes we do exsist)

I love trying new things and exploring ingame. My latest goal is to actually survive a full length raid night without dying once... this i suspect will be a long term goal but it is what amuses me currently.
I know a few members of pikey's as they came from my former home so don't feel like a fish out of water as there are familiar names in /gu.
Thanks to all who gave me a HUGE warm welcome and also filled my screen with tell hell windows while i was trying to learn a new raid. Talk about Hectic!

I am by nature an insomniac so i keep odd hours even though i live in the UK. Also means at times i can be very grr for absolutley no reason whatsoever so if i am short please forgive me it's because i am probably into 4th day without sleep and migraine is starting. (usual cure for this is get drunk fall into a drunken coma and sleep for 13 or 14 hours) Anyway enough rambling from me time to sharpen my claws use the litter box and go shed my fur all over my nice big kitteh bed.