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Veil of Alaris

Post by Drewie »

Fresh news from the Fan Faire :
Executive Producer David Georgeson announced that the next EverQuest expansion will be called Veil of Alaris, and it's going to raise the level cap to 95. The expansion will feature a brand new continent and 12 new zones, as well as new content such as quests, loot, monsters and raids. It will also include completely new guild halls, and we'll find out who orchestrated the demise of Cazic-Thule and why. Veil of Alaris is scheduled to launch in late November.
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Re: Veil of Alaris

Post by Grendel »

Guild trophies that will use guild tribute (exactly the same as personal trophies but for the entire guild) ... hp?t=37969

* Hotbars will have 12 buttons and be able to be made bigger, smaller. Will be able to assign "icons" to buttons. (aka clickie from bag)
* Epics and other items will be able to be put and clicked on hotkeys even if they are INSIDE A BAG
* A way to safely send plat and items to characters (e-mail like system??)
* There will be a higher number of rankings within the guild and they will be able to be customized with custom names and privileges
* An Epic Request (Epic Ornamentation Augs) on hold til after expansion 14/16 already done
* There are cities in next expansion and Eldiroth wants there to be bankers etc in the new zone.
* Tradeskills have the ability to go over 300 with coding now and they are looing to impletment that. Trophies will never be more than 15%
+ Backstab damage to be on cultural in some form to make it actually rogue usable

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Re: Veil of Alaris

Post by Drewie »

Some more info :
A new rank-based guild permission system will add about four more guild ranks and give players a lot more control over who can do what in the guild. You can change the names of the ranks and assign different permissions to those ranks. There will be approximately 32 different permissions that can be individually assigned, such as bank access and guild tags.

The new guild permissions will also have a tie-in to housing. You'll be able to assign your entire guild permission to hang out in your house and move around your stuff.

There will be two new guild halls, and both will have interior and exterior models. They also created an exterior model for the current guild hall. You can decide if you'd like to keep the statue or remove it.

The tracking of housing objects will be easier.

Cooldown timers will be visible when you click something on your bar. The team said the visual cooldown timer will be difficult to implement for some AAs, but it can be done with macros.

They're adding a new parcel delivery and money system. You'll be able to interact with a vendor to send your items to players on your server.

Other Future Plans

Offline brokering is coming. You will be able to log out your character while you're selling, which means you don't need to leave your computer on overnight. You can set up shop in your home and guild halls, and they'll possibly allowing you to broker in places that aren't in your home. Players can buy directly from you and get the item immediately, but there will be an extra charge.

They're going to allow you to have more than one mercenary, but you can only play one at any given time. There will be a delay in reuse and recast times, but this will give you more flexibility. You will have access to a high amount of mercenaries. This feature isn't tied to the expansion, but it should launch around that time.

Bigger bags should be coming back to the marketplace in the next couple months. They will also be added as drops in the game, but not as tradeskill items.

A simple item comparison tool will be added to the game.

They're working on a feature that will easily allow you to upload EverQuest videos to YouTube. It might be available by the end of the year.
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Re: Veil of Alaris

Post by Drewie »

An Interview with EQ's Producer and Executive Producer :
- More info about the Guild Hall, with screenshots
- More info about Hotbars
- Level range from 80 to 95
- 6 raid zones, some non-instanced
- New cultural armor tier
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Re: Veil of Alaris

Post by Metaluna »

Drewie wrote:An Interview with EQ's Producer and Executive Producer :
- More info about the Guild Hall, with screenshots
- More info about Hotbars
- Level range from 80 to 95
- 6 raid zones, some non-instanced
- New cultural armor tier
Absor clarified the raid zone instancing question today - all Veil raid zones ARE instanced.

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