Error: Unable to download SocketError:Unreachable - No data thrill us with your intellect.

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Error: Unable to download SocketError:Unreachable - No data

Post by Cokkie »

Code: Select all

Updated File List
Found 1 file(s) to update.
Creating maps/potranquility.txt
*Warning: Retrying maps/potranquility.txt
*Warning: Retrying maps/potranquility.txt
*Error: Unable to download SocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004 - -
Checking all game files...
Everquest have crash and when i reload it, i got this message, so i have check all files.

My solution i copy the file from a 2nd EQ folder.
If you need i got a map pack here.

The time i restart computer and all my 4 EQ, 2nd account go LD too some minutes later and 3rd too 15 mins after.
Do EQ patch some files will you are playing ?
Or this is the fast i was designing Ironman UI on my desktop or game bug. I am not sure, so i camp for tonight.

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Re: Error: Unable to download SocketError:Unreachable - No d

Post by Daktarr »

Sometimes when you crash, or a zone crashes, it trashes your info for that zone. Just delete the file, EQ will see it is missing and replace it.
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Re: Error: Unable to download SocketError:Unreachable - No d

Post by HSishi »

EQ doesn't "patch" during gameplay. It updates the eqclient.ini file if you change client options, though.

If you have multiple accounts running from the same folder and change the maps with [Save] in just ONE of the clients (or changing options which are saved to eqclient.ini) the map files for the other clients are not in sync with their copy in your computer memory.

Solution: Reload the UI in the other clients. This will wipe their map data in memory and load them from HD.
This solution also is necessary if you overwrite any custom map files with a new version. Reload the UI and the ingame atlas uses the new version immediately.
If you overwrite the map files and then log out, the client will save the versions in memory to disc, reverting the update.
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