That screenshot happens to me sometimes, just have to wait and keep trying a few times. It's random as far as I have experienced. And then one time it finally works. Damn IT!!!
That error is most likely some kind of dns issue. If it is like that for more that a day or 2 then you may have to start flushing dns caches and stuff. You could also try setting one of your dns entries to or any of the other public dns servers.
still part of my gear seems gone, what is all up with these rewards, i should redraw, but cool, the game seems free now to play , i assume till level 95 or something ? i am still level 85 , also can t find my epic 2.5 , nor slow and mezzstick
will i be able to enter all newer expansions till the last one ?
only if ya paid for said exspansions but, did ya look in your bank for said items? if its mez stick can always ravage tacvi for it, pretty common drop and time is just as easy just annoying it has such a long cd on it
it sucks Waking up in a bad mood and taking you anger out on everyone you talk to,
Most people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them!!.