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Christmas 2013 raiding schedule

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:22 am
by Adroxia
So it is less than one week to Christmas, and there will be lots of people travelling, partying, visiting family and friends, and generally being offline. Shocking I know.

We will be taking a raid break for this holiday period to give everyone a chance to recover some xp from the Xorbb 1 fun, and to relax and even perhaps finish up some of those old tasks you never got around to ... Chelsith and Plane of Shadows are next :P

Please feel free to use the usual chat channel as a place to discuss matters of great importance (like Wismer and his gnome-like style) or to check when we next raid.

For now, we will schedule in these open type raids as follows:

Thursday 19 December - raid is ON

Friday 20 December -> Monday 6 January - NO raids, have fun in group land!

Tuesday 7 January - POSSIBLE restart of open raids, check with the chat channel

And we shall be on the look out for any announcements about the new content, and adjust raid schedule to match.

Have a good Christmas everyone! \:D/