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Downtime July 20th
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:51 am
by Karram
All EverQuest Live Servers will be coming down on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 3:00 am US Pacific (US Pacifc-PST is -8 GMT: 4:00 am MST, 5:00 am CST, 6:00 am EST, 11:00 am GMT, 12:00 CET) for a game update. The servers are estimated to be unavailable for 5 hours. Keep an eye on the EQ Players website and the forums for status updates and for news if additional downtime is needed.
Re: Downtime July 20th
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:40 am
by Drewie
July 20th, 2011
*** Highlights ***
- The Weapon Crate of the Mercenary, Traveler's Rucksack, Journeyman's Rucksack and Journeyman's Pocketed Rucksack now have a chance to drop from rare mobs in House of Thule zones.
- Items with appearances from the Hardcore Heritage events can now be placed in housing.
*** Items ***
- A heal focus has been added to the Neckguard of Earthen Geomancy.
- Mercenary crates purchased from the marketplace are now heirloom.
- The Weapon Crate of the Mercenary, Traveler's Rucksack, Journeyman's Rucksack and Journeyman's Pocketed Rucksack now have a small chance to drop from rare mobs in the House of Thule.
- Stats and focus effects on the Warhammer of Divine Grace and McVaxius` Horn of War from Hardcore Heritage zones have been switched so that the items work as intended.
- The Executioner's Crimson Trophy should now be somewhat more forgiving in the distance it allows from healers.
- Items with appearances from the Hardcore Heritage events can now be placed in housing.
*** Tradeskills ***
- A new recipe to create large blocks of magic clay has been discovered.
*** Quests & Events ***
- Crushbone's raid will no longer allow mercenaries.
- Wu the Enlightened will now ask for the correct items when giving the Test of Tranquility.
*** Spells ***
- Most raid boss NPCs have developed a stronger immunity against fast-acting DoT spells. Other NPCs (including non-boss raid NPCs) are unaffected and will still take full damage.
- Necromancer - Lowered the mana cost for Burlabis' Swift Venom, Ninavero's Swift Deconstruction, Tenak's Flashblaze, Rilfed's Swift Sickness, and Ninavero's Swift Lifedraw.
- Shaman - Lowered the mana cost for all ranks of Nargul's Malady and Undaleen's Venom.
- Fixed an obscure issue relating to resurrection and spell recast timers.
*** NPC ***
- Maldeny Gredlong no longer wanders around Ak'Anon.
*** AA ***
- Fixed a bug that was allowing Powerful Elixirs to extend some abilities that it shouldn't have.
- Shadowknight - Reduced Harm Touch damage on Progression servers for ranks 3 through 15. Regular servers are unaffected.
*** Progression Servers ***
- Spell research merchants in home cities have had their inventories unrestricted.
- A number of spell research recipes, including Oil of Vitriol and Celestial Cleanser, are now available.
- An Iksar Slave is now available in Frontier Mountains.
- Shadowknight - Reduced Harm Touch damage on Progression servers for ranks 3 through 15. Regular servers are unaffected.
*** Misc ***
- Changed the display of the entitled time from just years to years and days.
- Optimized some server processing code that could cause lag in highly populated zones.
*** UI ***
- Made numerous preview window fixes relating to displaying models.
- The preview window will now allow you to shift the object in the display by holding down the right mouse button over the object.
- Added buttons to the preview window to shift, zoom in/out, rotate, and reset the image.
- Cleaned up some XML in the map window and commonized the arrow buttons.
- Changed -
- EQUI_Animations.xml
- EQUI_MapViewWnd.xml
- EQUI_MarketplaceWnd.xml
- EQUI_ObjectPreviewWnd.xml
- EQUI_Templates.xml
- The EverQuest Team
Re: Downtime July 20th
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:53 pm
by Muva
*** Spells ***
- Most raid boss NPCs have developed a stronger immunity against fast-acting DoT spells. Other NPCs (including non-boss raid NPCs) are unaffected and will still take full damage.
Why give us in the first bloody place?
Re: Downtime July 20th
Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:57 pm
by Horgarth
Seems the patch is thwarting my attempt to be on time for once

be there in 15 mins or so...