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Server Downtime for Maintenance – Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:34 am
by Xarc
All EverQuest Live Servers will be coming down on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 12:00 am US Pacific (US Pacifc-PST is -8 GMT: 1:00 am MST, 2:00 am CST, 3:00 am EST, 8:00 am GMT, 9:00 am CET) for maintenance. The servers are estimated to be unavailable for 4 hours. Keep an eye on the EQ Players website and the forums for status updates and for news if additional downtime is needed.
Re: Server Downtime for Maintenance – Wednesday, April 13, 2
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:17 pm
by Asgaul
Here are the patch notes for Wednesday's game update (taken from the patcher):
*** Highlights ***
- Corrected an issue that could cause corpses to lock incorrectly.
- Added /kickplayers, a new command that allows expedition leaders to kick everybody from the dynamic zone and shared task leaders to kick everybody out of the shared task, which results in them also getting booted form the dynamic zone associated with the shared task. See the Miscellaneous section below for details.
- Many problems with boats have been fixed. See the Miscellaneous section below for details.
- The minimum fizzle rates for all classes have been reduced, as well as the amount of mana used by a fizzle.
- Zones with key or flag requirements will now unlock themselves automatically when later expansions open (on standard and progression servers). Meldrath's Mansion and Crystallos zones are now unlocked on standard servers.
- Keep an eye out for Grundle Cogwelder in the Plane of Knowledge. He has been hearing some interesting rumors about hares.
*** Items ***
- Corrected the lore group on bottles of bleach.
- The Portable Forge should no longer spawn on top of the user.
- The Which Came First item will create a more limited variety of eggs now.
- The Potion of Divinity can not be used as often as it could previously.
- Removed the Encompassing Nightmare IV focus from Doll of the Nameless Child and added it to Shiliskin Metamagic Totem, where it would actually be used.
- Slightly increased the backstab damage on House of Thule daggers.
- Added detrimental haste focus to the all/all legs from House of Thule zones.
- The Katta's Signet charm and those like it will now have much more reliable stats.
- The Whirligig Flyer now properly grants AC.
- Corrected typos on several items.
- Corrected several mounts that were not usable in combat.
*** Tradeskills ***
- Good Iva's in Paineel now has an oven.
- Failing to craft Prepared Dream Meat no longer returns any items.
- Older alchemy potions on the Progression Server recipes now stack to 10.
- Fire opals are back in stock at their normal vendors.
*** Quests & Events ***
- Some missing kobold parts have been restored to Toxxulia.
- Wellis Pestule will now ask for the correct item when you are sharpening the Rusty Scourge Knight Saber for him.
- Norten Magmaflinger will now speak to characters at maximum level.
- Corrected the items that Kugaran asks for in the Troll Shadowknight weapon quest.
- Shana Liskia now asks for the correct items in the quest for the Dagger of the Academy.
- Corrected the requirement for reforging rhodium into Burning Ash of the Lake. It now correctly requires completing the Keymaster's event.
*** Spells ***
- The minimum fizzle rates for all classes have been reduced, as well as the amount of mana used by a fizzle.
- Players who are under a rabbit illusion will have their viewpoint set much closer to the ground.
- The ventriloquism effect works again.
- Resurrection spells now issue text messages so players can set an audio trigger.
- Fixed an issue with doom spells not working when the target is an NPC.
- Bard - Corrected the cap on the damage shield portion of War March of Dagda.
- Beastlord - Kron's Maelstrom should no longer interfere with Funeral Dirge.
- Cleric and Druid - Increased the strength of Reject Corruption.
- Druid and Shaman - Corrected the amount of corruption cured by Chant of the Tae Ew.
- Druid - Corrected the cap on the AC reduction of Argent Frost.
- Druid - Increased the AE range on Lunamelioration.
- Enchanter - Baffling Constriction now reduces accuracy with all melee skills.
- Magician - Monster Summoning should now summon local denizens in House of Thule zones.
- Necromancer - Scapegoat has had its cost lowered and your scapegoat will now correctly cast spells at your target when summoned.
- Necromancer - Rebalanced the Splirt spell to decay faster and deal more damage overall.
- Necromancer - Corrected the damage added by the Irae Faycite Shard: Splirt to match the new damage values on Splirt (and corrected its name).
- Necromancer - Cascading Deathshield will now properly heal your pet when each bulwark expires.
- Ranger - Corrected the cap on the damage shield portion of Quillcoat.
- Ranger - Moved Burning Ash to timer 4 so it no longer interferes with Cataclysm Ash.
- Ranger - Moved Biting Wind to timer 3 so it no longer interferes with Windwhip Bite.
- Rogue - Removed an invalid cast message from Aggravated Bloodlust III.
- Shadowknight - Corrected the cap on the AC buff portion of Drape of Fear.
- Shadowknight - The snare component of Despairing Darkness will no longer ignore immunities. It is still very difficult for normal NPCs to resist.
- Shadowknight - Corrected the heal cast when Gorgon Mantle Rk. III is broken by melee damage.
- Wizard - The Irae Faycite Shard: Brainfreeze Strike will now correctly add damage to Brainfreeze spells.
*** NPC ***
- Melee DPS mercenaries obtained via LoN rewards can now be buffed by players.
- Fixed some issues when un-suspending a buffed and geared pet that has been suspended across zone lines.
- Fixed a crash bug caused by attempting to log in on a character with no corpse.
*** AA ***
- Fixed a problem causing suspended pets to lose gear and buffs when their owner zoned.
- Magician - Theft of Essence will now work correctly with the Annihilate the Divergent spell line.
- Necromancer - Blood Magic should now behave in a more predictable manner giving full benefit to each rank. Please note, each step for Blood Magic is now shorter than the original.
- Paladin - Reduced the critical damage effect of Valorous Rage across all ranks.
- Paladin - Fixed the AC component of Blessing of the Faithful.
*** Achievements ***
- Epic titles should no longer go away if you place your epic items in your house as long as you have the epic achievement.
*** Progression Servers ***
- Corrected several recipes that were producing too much money and returned the alchemy vendors that sold the parts for them on progression servers.
- The Vial of Pure Water recipe has been made available on Progression servers.
- Newbie weapons (and other items from those quests) on Progression servers will now be weaker until more expansions are unlocked.
- Barbarian Northern Wolf and White Rose armor quests should now be working on progression servers.
- Quests for armor "of Ro" can now be completed on progression servers.
- Shaman armor quests that produce armor "of Justice" can now be completed on progression servers.
- Dark Elf quests for Orc Slayer, Bone Mail, and Ashen Bone Mail armors should now be functioning on progression servers.
- Druid armor quests that produce "Moss Toe" armor can now be completed on progression servers.
- Erudite Abattoir Initiate, Fell Blade, and Templar of Fright armor recipes have been enabled on progression servers.
- Gnome Plague and Initiate's Watchmen armor recipes have been enabled on progression servers.
- Restored some missing gnomish newbie armor quest givers to progression servers.
- Half Elf/Wood Elf quests for Emerald Novice armor should now be functioning on progression servers.
- Halfling Thorn Mail and Bravefoot armor recipes have been enabled on progression servers.
- High Elf Art Keepers and Sylvan Initiate armor can now be created on progression servers.
- Human Coalition Trader, Sturdy Workman, Dismal Knight, Scourge Warrior, Scourge Sorcerer, Rage Sorcerer, Songweavers, Pestilence Priest, and Dismal Warrior armor recipes have been enabled on progression servers.
- Ogre quests for armors of Protection, Darkness, and War should now be functioning on progression servers.
- Troll armor quests for Da Bashers should now be working on progression servers.
- Krivn S`Tai has returned to progression servers.
- Some missing kobold parts have been restored to Toxxulia.
- Returned some creatures that were not spawning properly in the Butcherblock Mountains on progression servers.
- Restored some missing NPC spawns in Lavastorm on progression servers.
- Gnomes can now complete the quest for the Plague Raiser Mace on progression servers.
- Andara C'Luzz has been returned to her post on progression servers.
- Brunnel Kegstander is now available on progression servers.
- Wendel Deeppockets has returned to progression servers.
*** Miscellaneous ***
- Saltpeter is now available in the Lavastorm Mountains.
- Increased the size of the obsidian building blocks to match other building block sets.
- Added /kickplayers, a new command that allows expedition leaders to kick everybody from the dynamic zone and shared task leaders to kick everybody out of the shared task, which results in them also getting booted form the dynamic zone associated with the shared task.
- Usage:
- /kickplayers task -- Removes all players from shared task and also removes them from the associated dynamic zone.
- /kickplayers exp -- Removes all players from the expedition, including players not currently in the dynamic zone.
- Fixed problems with looting rights.
- Polls: Implemented the ability to teleport to winners of real estate polls.
- Fixed a crash bug when a PvP player's infamy changes and becomes tied with more than 4 other players.
- Fixed a few boat bugs that caused players to drop into the water, drop on the boat and take falling damage, disconnects when zoning on a boat, and the "rubber band" effect when riding with other players on a boat.
- You will no longer need to completely exit out of the game when you get extra character slots. They will be available to you the next time you enter character select.
- Added in Rotate Yard combobox to the Layouts tab of the Real Estate Items window. This allows you to choose which direction you want a yard facing in when it is loaded. Also updated the Layout help page with info on the Rotate Yard option.
- Fixed some minor memory leaks related to spells.
*** UI ***
- Long tool tips will now wrap to multiple lines.
- The item display window has been updated to display total skill mod information.
- In the real estate items window, if a full stack is moved it will remain selected, or the stack it is combined with will become selected. However, if only part of the stack is moved, the remaining portion of the stack will remain selected.
- Fixed an issue that was not allowing the results of closed non-real estate polls to display.
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