If anyone remembers an old mage and his ferrets..

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If anyone remembers an old mage and his ferrets..

Post by Abamin »

Hey guys, how's everything going in EQ land? Does Pikeys have any people left that still remember me? =)

I know i havent been online in about 2 years but well, lots of RL issues combined with EQ burnout got me. But i have been thinking of coming back online to sneak around some, just casual at least for a start. You known you havent logged in for a long time when your LON account has 60+ free card packs =p

I'll probably install eq on my comp again this weekend, reactivate the account and purchase the missing expansions, does anyone know if eq keeps track automatically cause i have no idea how many i am missing.. my gear will be more then craptacular by this time too of course, but mostly i miss the social talk a lot, and brushing up on my english once again wont hurt either.

Hope to seeing some old ironbiters in the next week online, if SoE will take my money and let me log in once more. I hope aba isnt deleted from long time no use but eqplayers still shows him, so..
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Re: If anyone remembers an old mage and his ferrets..

Post by Adroxia »

Hi Abamin :)

All should still be there and you will be able to see what you miss and what you need, and I don't think they delete characters for a very long time anyway! Poke someone around and get involved in the chat again!

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Re: If anyone remembers an old mage and his ferrets..

Post by Feochadan »

You only need to buy the last expansion to date. It will give you all the previous ones.

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