Patch news TEST 2019-04-09 thrill us with your intellect.

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Patch news TEST 2019-04-09

Post by HSishi »

Morning all.

Source: ... st-3778886
April 9, 2019

*** Highlights ***

- There are no longer Progression Server specific spawns for Classic, Kunark, Velious, or Luclin bosses. These bosses now spawn at an accelerated rate on all servers, roughly twice the rate that they normally spawn on Live servers, with a variance equal to a quarter of their respawn time. Fabled versions of these NPCs should now work correctly on Progression Servers.
- A few new statless mounts will be available on the Marketplace when Luclin is open. These mounts are equivalent in speed to silk bridles, and will go away when Omens of War unlocks.
- The evolving items from The Burning Lands will gain experience from all NPCs, at least light blue con, in The Burning Lands that give experience. This includes Gnome Memorial Mountain.
- Increased the range that direct-damage and damage-over-time spell messages are reported from 75 feet to 200 feet.

*** Uncategorized ***

- Fixed an issue with the Rallos Zek Puppet's name changing back after using a Potion of Familiar's Amnesia to change its name.
- Tinzenwen Geargoggler has now been given the title "Overseer of Repairs"

*** Items ***

- Added the correct version of Soothing Breath to Transverse Yaw Stabilizer and Mana Battery Pendant.
- Fixed the spelling of Exceptional-Quality Scrap Metal.
- Removes the extraneous quest flag from the book Revenge on the Fallen.
- Added a minimum level to trigger combat activated spells from a handful of weapons and augments that lacked an appropriate required level.
- Added Cleave and Ferocity to The Burning Lands Cleric armor, and Ferocity to Shaman armor.
- Added a chance for NPCs in some of the Burning Lands zones to drop Whispering Midnight Augments.
- Added the appropriate click spells to the Burning Lands evolving ring and shoulder items that offer rewards.
- Changed the cast proc of Ascending Sun Devotional Staff to Sympathetic Arms of Holy Wrath VI.
- Beastlords - Minion of Darkness effects will now work on warders summoned between levels 56 and 75, when they previously only worked on warders summoned between levels 66 and 75.
- Beastlords can now use the Gloves of Dark Summoning.

*** Quests And Events ***

- Bristlebane Events - These events will run for two more weeks in late April this year. The Mischief continues!
- This Ain't Right - Bristlebane will appear when needed again.
- Danger Zone - Player spells will no longer heal ballistae.
- Dragon in the Works - Added an enrage mechanic. After 30 minutes of fighting the dragon will grow stronger.
- Mechagnomic Whirlrender event - there is now an "enrage" mechanic. If the event is not defeated after 30 minutes new enemies will begin to spawn.
- Fates Accumulator and Blazing Utopia augments now drop in all The Burning Lands raid zones.
- - The chance of each of these to drop per kill is reduced.
- Night at the Museum - Added a delay between when you get the warning the the roboboar is chasing you and the boar slams into you, allowing the target time to get away if they were standing next to the boar at the time the chase is announced.
- Dragon in the Works - changed some of the warnings to use user event colors, and made the dragon immune to knockback effects.
- Added loot to Consul of Cooperation.
- The Mechanical Fortune Teller will now mention the cake-eating challenge if queried for details of 20th Anniversary events.
- Trial of Stoning - Fixed a problem that was preventing the pitiless avengers from shooting the accused prisoners during the trial.
- Removed erroneous particles from the mission zone for Defending Knowledge.
- Unfettered Emerald Excellence - Made the following balance changes to this raid event:
- - Lowered the boss's regeneration slightly.
- - Increased the damage done to mephits by bane abilities slightly.
- - Increased the amount of time between mephit waves in the final phase of the encounter.
- - Increased the amount of time between armor suit waves in the final phase of the encounter.
- - Decreased the number of mephit spawns per wave in the final phase of the encounter.

*** Spells ***

- DoT spells once again display a twincast message when the spell first lands, and no longer reassociate with their caster if they zone or die.
- PVP Servers: Damage shield damage received from attacking players will now deal a maximum of 5% of the attacker's health in damage per hit. Damage shield damage received from non-player targets is unchanged.
- Spell interrupts, fizzles, and reflect messages now contain the name of the spell that failed.
- - Moved spell reflect messages to the spell failures chat filter.
- Attached the correct recourse to the Hand/Arms of Holy Wrath VI spells.
- Fixed the roman numeral in the name of Arms of Holy Wrath VI Recourse.
- Beastlord - Ogre Beastlord warders are now a little bit larger by default.
- Ranger - Corrected the name of the Irae Faycite Shard that adds damage to the Hornet Swarm spell.
- Enchanter - Adjusted the stacking of Night's Endless Terror to better coexist with a number of other abilities.
- Druid - Lowered the required level to cast Zephyr: Lavastorm to 47. Lowered the spell difficulty and price. Moved the scroll from Wanderer Frardok to Wanderer Qenda.

*** NPCs ***

- All racnors are now racnars.
- Added coin to Gnome Memorial Mountain NPCs.

*** Mercenaries ***

- Increased some of the statistics of The Burning Lands mercenary items.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Changed the drop rate for the Blade of the Black Dragon Eye to drop for one month after Ruins of Kunark launches.
- Ruined Blackburrow Gnoll Pelt drops have been restricted to the unlock of Planes of Power.
- - Scalded Rat Skin drops have been restricted to the unlock of Gates of Discord. This will now only drop from rats in Dagnor's Cauldron.
- Many quest items for Planes of Power era newbie quests no longer drop until Planes of Power has unlocked on the server.
- Essence of Shadow, Moonlight, Sunlight, and Winter drops have been restricted to the unlock of Shadows of Luclin.
- Quest drops for Escape to Norrath tasks no longer drop until Dragons of Norrath has unlocked on the server.
- Removed many Planes of Power era quest items from low level zones.
- Added the appropriate teleportation item to Collectors of Transference in the Nexus and Overthere on Selo.
- Updated the dates for Legend of Ykesha unlock to run on the same day as the Planes of Power unlock on Mangler.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Corrected an issue where /nod would cause you to disagree wholeheartedly.
- Players who log in on their character's birthday will have a rainbow colored name for the day. Updated the /played command to include your age in Norrath.
- Fixed spelling and grammar errors in the 20th Anniversary Achievement Challenge.

*** UI ***

- Using the faction window while shrouded should fail now, instead of crashing your client.
- If a task rewards a faction change, the task window will now correctly link to that faction in your faction window.
- Disabled the context menu to move the main chat tab into another chat window.
- Fixed an issue that prevented audio triggers from matching text that contains formatting data such as spell or item links.
- Messages indicating the start of a spell cast now include a link to the spell description.
- - Fixed a messaging issue where non-song spells activated by bards would report as the bard 'singing' the spell.
- Riposte messages are now reported before their resulting hit damage.
- Added the ability to customize the color that chat windows are highlighted with when displaying a new message.
- Messages indicating that a spell has worn off now include a link to the spell description.
- - Dealing direct-damage with spells now reports the caster as 'You' rather than your name.
- - The spell name in damage reporting messages will now function as a link to the spell description.

*** Previously Updated ***

- Fixed an issue that caused the Tsaph Katta Leather Ornaments set to glow neon blue.
- Fixed an issue where characters would fail to create but the name would still appear in use.
- Gnome Memorial Mountain - Removed chance that some items could spawn where characters could not go at the lowest level of the zone.
- Gnome Mountain Raids - Fixed some errors that were preventing travel between the raids.
- Gnome Mountain Raids - NPCs will no longer drop loot that they were not intended to drop. They will also not remain to hold loot between events that they should not.
- Increased the AA experience rate on Selo.

- The EverQuest Team
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Re: Patch news TEST 2019-04-09

Post by Cindane »

*** Spells ***

- DoT spells once again display a twincast message when the spell first lands, and no longer reassociate with their caster if they zone or die.

Woohoo, every evac-able class cheers for this welcome change (back to how it used to be!) :lol: =D>
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Re: Patch news TEST 2019-04-09

Post by Ouklaol »

gmm as burning lands zone, let the instance farming commence for evolving items Mwahahahhhahaha :twisted:
it sucks Waking up in a bad mood and taking you anger out on everyone you talk to,
Most people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them!!.
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Re: Patch news TEST 2019-04-09

Post by Feochadan »

- Increased the range that direct-damage and damage-over-time spell messages are reported from 75 feet to 200 feet.

Yay for parses, but the same is needed for healing messages.

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Re: Patch news TEST 2019-04-09

Post by Schalimar »

Feochadan wrote:- Increased the range that direct-damage and damage-over-time spell messages are reported from 75 feet to 200 feet.

Yay for parses, but the same is needed for healing messages.
Thought the same ya

- You don't always win, but every time you loose you get better! -
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