I logged in today to find I was removed form the guild this is understandable as I have been gone for over a year.
I was wondering though. If I was to want to re app what would be necessary? lvl 105 and full TDS group progression or what exactly?
Just curious as I believe I am going to be able to play again real soon. D'Pikeys welcomed me with open arms when I transferred from Bertox due to
my raiding guild folding and made me feel like part of the family that will never be forgotten. Some of my best EQ memories are in raids and groups with you amazing people!
Really? That would be awesome. I really miss my EQ family. I can only afford one full access now not the 2 I used to have so grouping while lvlng would make a huge difference. Or did you mean get 105 then group to do progression?
L105 would be a must, grp progression not so much, some haven't bothered with it but it can be worth it to get the nice AC augs. See one of the recruitment officers, probably Djess then go from there.